Compound flooding is defined as a flood event caused by the combined effects of flood drivers. Numerical modeling of compound flood events allows for the design of risk-mitigation strategies but requires simulations of several flooding scenarios. Current modeling techniques cannot simulate multiple processes simultaneously and lose accuracy when modeling compound flood events. This project aims to develop a model for simulating overland/riverine flows using the diffusive and kinematic wave equations, referred to as DWE and KWE, respectively. The overland model uses a two-dimensional KWE approach, while the river model uses a one-dimensional DWE approach to account for backwater effects. The developed model accounts for infiltration via the Green-Ampt equation and can handle spatially and temporally varying rainfall. Furthermore, a wetting and drying algorithm is implemented for improved efficiency in the model. For verification, the model will be used to simulate various analytical test cases, idealized test cases, and real-life data. Improved river modelling software is of interest to communities/groups studying water policy and science because improved models tend to be more accurate and therefore allow for more confidence in scientific conclusions and changes in policy.
Parking lot results
Team Members
Dr. Felix Santiago-Collazo, Dr. Matthew Bilskie, Logan Bayer