Dr. Felix Santiago-Collazo and Graduate Student Luciana Iannone Tarcha attended the first Network for Engineering With Nature (N-EWN) Partner Symposium, which took place in St. Augustine, Florida, between May 22nd and 24th. The symposium gathered over 170 people from 28 partner organizations, including industry, non-profit, educational, and government sectors. Amid plenaries, talks, panels, posters, and field trips, the participants could connect with all other partners, learn from their work, and facilitate future collaboration.


Dr. Santiago-Collazo gave a talk on Flood Modeling, presenting CITRA’s current work on Combining Riverine and Coastal Natural Infrastructure for Reducing Compound Flood in Estuary Systems. At the poster session, Luciana Tarcha presented her work on Green Solutions for Gray Spaces: A Case Study of the Tietê River in São Paulo City, Brazil.


(Photos 1 and 2 taken by Olivia Allen, Sarah Buckleitner, and Megan Sam)