Hydrologic Evaluation of a Poplar Phytoextraction System

Title: Hydrologic Evaluation of a Poplar Phytoextraction System Authors: A.J. Rabideau, K. Swensen, Z. Chen, F.L. Santiago-Collazo, C. Bronner, C. Lowry, R. Gnat, and T. Lockwood Journal:  International Journal of Phytoremediation Abstract This paper reports the results of a seven-year study of a phytoremediation system consisting of 349 hybrid poplars (Populous deltoids x Populus nigra ‘DN-21’) that were emplaced…

An Examination of Compound Flood Hazard Zones for Past, Present and Future Low-gradient Coastal Land-margins

Title: An Examination of Compound Flood Hazard Zones for Past, Present and Future Low-gradient Coastal Land-margins Authors: F.L. Santiago-Collazo, M.V. Bilskie, P. Bacopoulus, and S.C. Hagen Journal: Frontiers in Climate Abstract Recent events worldwide demonstrate how coastal communities of integrated natural and human systems are exposed to hydrological and coastal flooding processes. Standard flood hazard assessment practices…

A Comprehensive Review of Compound Inundation Models in Low-Gradient Coastal Watersheds

Title: A Comprehensive Review of Compound Inundation Models in Low-Gradient Coastal Watersheds Authors: F.L. Santiago-Collazo, M.V. Bilskie, and S.C. Hagen Journal: Environmental Modelling and Software Abstract Extreme coastal flooding poses a major threat to human life and infrastructure. Low-gradient coastal watersheds can be vulnerable to flooding from both intense rainfall and storm surge. Here we present…

Hydraulic Model for Channel Networks with Hydraulic Structures

Title: Hydraulic Model for Channel Networks with Hydraulic Structures Authors: F.L. Santiago-Collazo and W. Silva Araya Journal: Tecnología en Marcha Abstract Many irrigation systems comprise complex channel systems including control structures. Regulation and control of water distribution for crop irrigation is necessary for sustainable agriculture. Design and analysis of hydraulic structures is essential for efficient use…

Computational Model for Gradually Varied Flow in Channel Networks with Hydraulic Structures

Title: Computational Model for Gradually Varied Flow in Channel Networks with Hydraulic Structures Authors: F.L. Santiago-Collazo and W. Silva Araya Journal: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Abstract There is a need for regulation and control of irrigation conveyance systems for sustainable agriculture. Design and analysis of hydraulic structures within complex channel systems are essential for…

Dynamic Modeling of Surface Runoff and Storm Surge during Hurricane and Tropical Storm Events

Title: Dynamic Modeling of Surface Runoff and Storm Surge during Hurricane and Tropical Storm Events Authors: W. Silva Araya, F.L. Santiago-Collazo, J. Gonzalez-Lopez, and J. Maldonado-Maldonado Journal: Hydrology (MDPI) Abstract Hurricane events combine ocean storm surge penetration with inland runoff flooding. This article presents a new methodology to determine coastal flood levels caused by the combination of…

Flooding Effects Combining Storm Surge and Surface Runoff during Hurricane Georges on the Eastern Coast of Puerto Rico

Title: Flooding Effects Combining Storm Surge and Surface Runoff during Hurricane Georges on the Eastern Coast of Puerto Rico Authors: F.L. Santiago-Collazo, W. Silva Araya, J. Gonzalez-Lopez, and J. Maldonado-Maldonado Journal: Revista Internacional de Desastres Naturales, Accidentes e Infraestructura Civil Abstract Puerto Rico (PR) is located in a hurricane prone zone. The purpose of this study…

Compound Inundation Modeling of a 1-D Idealized Coastal Watershed Using a Reduced-Physics Approach

Title: Compound Inundation Modeling of a 1-D Idealized Coastal Watershed Using a Reduced-Physics Approach Authors: F.L. Santiago‐Collazo, M.V. Bilskie , P. Bacopoulos and S.C. Hagen Journal: Water Resources Research Abstract Low‐gradient coastal watersheds are susceptible to flooding caused by various flows such as rainfall‐runoff, astronomical tides, storm surges, and riverine flows. Compound flooding occurs when…